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The three most useful pieces of advice I can offer to you are: 1) be yourself; 2) find your ideal niche; and 3) don’t give up! Whether you’re an introvert with a videographer's eye, a marketer who loves to cook breakfast, or an engineer who loves biking, there is an industry for you. And there are ways to make it work! The world is changing fast - learn how to stay ahead of the curve with these tips! The next time someone tries to tell you that “it just isn’t possible,” show them this post. What you will need:Once you've decided to go with a company, you can expect three things: 1) to be updated on the process every step of the way; 2) to be asked for money periodically; 3) to have no idea how much it will all cost.It's normal to feel excited, anxious, proud, and/or nauseous about getting hired. For me, personally, it was more of a nauseous feeling! I had never done anything like that before. It certainly is not for everyone. But if you are interested in making videos or photography your job/career - do your market research - know what skill sets are being looked at. And most importantly, do something about it! There’s no better time than now to start creating and sharing your dreams with the world. One last piece of advice: If you find yourself overwhelmed and tired and frustrated and bored in an environment that is doing more for you than you are doing for it - leave. The only person who has the power to change your life is YOU. If you can't stand how things are, go out and do something about it!ARTICLE END Plans: http://www.rigodon-2012. com/player-plans.htmlPlans: htmlPlans: cfa1e77820